Daily Satkhira is well reputed Bengali online newspaper in Satkhira District, all over Bangladesh even on Bengali communicates all over the world. We publish latest news, political news, financial news, agricultural news, sports news, weather news, local news, international news, educational news etc.
Daily Satkhira committed to share latest and updated news on real time or as soon as possible. We collect news information from our primary sources, even from secondary sources like other local newspapers, national newspapers and international newspapers.
Daily Satkhira the domain registered on 19 July 2016, Daily Satkhira started from then. About 40 to 50 thousand of readers/visitors Daily Satkhira gets each month. Readers/visitors are maximum from Satkhira district, and all over Bangladesh, few readers/visitors are from all over the world.
In the team of Daily Satkhira, Freedom Fighter Mizanur Rahman as Editorial team President, Hafizur Rahman Masum as Editor and Publisher. Daily Satkhira’s head quarter is on Palashpole (Tetul Tola), Satkhira.
Mobile Number: +8801746535119,
Email address: dailysatkhira@gmail.com
website address: www.dailysatkhira.com

Editorial team President

Editor and Publisher